Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Throbbing of a Heart

In honor of the day, I shall post the cards I made for my own Valentine's distribution today. I think the showcase who I am pretty well...

I went for the uber cute look here. Nothing says I love you more than big eyes and hearts floating around everywhere.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Spectrum Begins...

I've been working on this idea for the past couple of months now. The idea is to combine the ideas of minimalist art with the color spectrum to create a giant poster. These characters ended up seeming like a natural selection for this project. The core concept here is to make each of the faces out of only basic shapes and colors pulled from the character. This is by no means all I  have done. This is merely a.... sampling of much of the work I've already accomplished. I'm rather enjoying the project, especially the digging back through all of the animation I grew up with.

This project is really the first time I've been able to sit down and use Illustrator and the art of vector work. I must admit, I've fallen in love with the program. I can't believe it's taken me this long to sit down with it. But I'm quite enjoying the project and I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like once I finish.


This is an unfinished piece I had going of a character I thought up. Her name is Melody. She is a bit of a thief and rogue, with a very complicated past. She actually fits into a much larger world that I've been slowly piecing together. Already since drawing this piece I've started making changes to her. Namely, she now has black hair, or she will when I get around to drawing it.

This was started in Photoshop, and I planned on getting some shading done with her face, but after that first bit with hair, I think I got distracted by another piece. I do enjoy this one, though, because it not only shows Melody, but also one of my processes for doing some shading. Improvement is still being made, but it's fun to look back and what I was coming up with.

Use Toast Attack!

Poor Charmander. Everybody just wants to use him for his flame...

This was another entry with Doodle United. The theme this time around was 'Pokemon', and seeing as I do love the series, I figured I better make an entry. I always thought about how useful Charmander's flame would be if I was to go camping, and this eventually led to the idea that all the other Pokemon would think the same thing. Sometimes, you just gotta take one for the team.

This was a digital piece done in Photoshop.

Amulet of Fun

Sometimes you just need a little bit of a change up. This is a scan from my sketchbook. I was playing around with different amulet designs, and this is one of them that I came up with. Nothing to complicated, just some simple designs. I was looking at making a tree as the base design on the main section there, and then play around with out the limbs spread out from it.

Rough and Tumble

Ah yes, what could be called the first official panel for the comic series "R is for Argyle". This idea came about after watching "Dark Knight Rises". I have always been confused as to why the thugs think attacking one person at a time is going to work against Batman. You'd think they'd figure out a massive swarm would take him. Oh well... it wouldn't be too much of a movie then, I suppose.

This was again a run with Photoshop. My linework was slowly improving, looking a bit better from the previous entry.

Clean Up on Aisle 7

Sometimes I get this urge to translate my life into comic form. Ok... well... maybe it's more of what I imagine my life to be like. This came from my thought of how ridiculous it is in Pokemon when you make eye contact with someone. No matter where you are or what innocent thing you might have been doing, someone always thinks eye contact means "BATTLE ME!"

This is pure up Photoshop. While I do like a couple of the facial expressions I pulled off in a few of the frames, over all you can tell this was an early attempt of mine in making myself a cartoon.


Again, another Star Wars theme I did. This one was for a Doodle United entry. I got to thinking, all of our movies always say that the animals were watched and cared for during the filming process. But I'm pretty sure that there were some friends who were hurt not so long ago. I mean, look at the poor Wampa... He's just so sad...

This one started out as a pencil sketch, and then I liked it enough that I moved it into Photoshop to play around with it.

Shoot First

Star Wars again caused hit me with some inspiration, this time in the form of Han and Greedo. While maybe not fully true to the original scene, I think I made myself clear where I stand on the subject of "Who Shot First". This little guy was done in Photoshop, after I made an initial sketch in my book.

Ferb Wars

After a long stretch of not doing much of anything digital, (or artwork for that matter) I decided to dive back in with a bit a fan mash up. I combined two of my favorite shows, Phineas and Ferb and Star Wars. I think it was a pretty successful creation, if I do say so myself.