Wednesday, May 7, 2014


You're in luck! Since it's been so long since my last post, I'm putting 2, that's right 2, new pics up today. This one was a commission I did for a co-worker's Dota team. Their team name is "Magnificent Bastards", so we were trying to figure out what would be a decent look for the name. After some experimentation, this is what we ended up at. I think it communicates the name fairly well. 


Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life kinda got crazy busy (again) with work and such, and just never got around to posting what I've been working on. Here's a character design I ended up doing. It was for the theme of Super Hero, but the name was chosen at random. I got the name Animalia, so decided her power is that she can take on the attributes of any animal around her. This pic was basically to show her normal design, so I could run with that. I've got another one I've been working on with her powers activated. We'll see if I ever get around to finishing it... oops. This guy was done in Photoshop, drawn and painted with my lovely tablet. 

Monday, March 17, 2014


Man, life had gotten quite busy all of a sudden. Between a vacation and work, I found myself with little time to actually sit and draw. I finally got this print idea done, though. I had the idea a while back of making a poster of sorts featuring everyone's favorite hairy rebel in the same style as the Che posters. The end result is... Che-bacca. I'm rather happy with this piece of propaganda. I'm hoping to make a print of it soon, since it would look pretty awesome hung up some where, or possibly on a t-shirt. I did this piece in Photoshop, first drawing out the face and then filling in the shadows as I went. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Post-Apocalypse Princess

The theme I had this time around was Post-Apocalypse Princess, with the idea of trying to make a character beyond the typical fairy princess motif. I decided to go with a girl that had some sass to her personality. Sure, she's tough and can handle herself, but she's got some spunk and style to it. I was a bit pressed for time with this one, so I decided to go with a cell shading look rather than full out paint. I must admit, though, I'm liking the cell shading look I've been doing as of late. I think I want to play with it some more in the near future.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Valentines

Once again Valentine's Day has started to creep up on us, and with it comes another collection of some personally made, extremely geeky Valentine cards made by yours truly. I'm rather happy with my selection, ranging from Doctor Who and Sherlock to Indiana Jones.