Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Painting Practice

For Christmas, I ended up getting a new drawing tablet, so I decided what better way to break it in than with some practice painting! 

I've been wanting to get better at my painting technique, so I've taken up doing 30 minute paintings. This is sadly from a reference picture, but I wanted something to try out, see what I could do with the new guy. Overall, I'm happy with what I produced after 30 minutes. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dichotomy of Sisters

The theme this time around was Frozen, so I decided to play off of the idea of the two sisters and how the reflect each other. 

This is all done in Photoshop this time around. My painting skills are still lacking a good bit, so I wanted to force myself to do something that I'm not naturally comfortable with. Overall, I'm happy with how this one turned out. We'll see if down the road I have to readdress some of the issues I have with it, but overall I think this is a good finished product for now. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


Oh my goodness, I do not like how few are far between these posts are. But sadly, with me stuck in retail at the moment and Christmas upon us, they are probably going to continue being a bit spotty.

This is my quick submission for the theme "Ninja Turtles" in the group I'm in. This was drawn and painted in Photoshop. I ended up trying to go with a cel shaded style, since that would be quickest for me. I've always liked the individual personalities of the Turtles, so I wanted something that would showcase each in their training.