Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Melody Character Design

I've finally started doing some work on my story idea. And where better to start than with some character design! This is Melody, one of my main characters. This is basically some beginning work on what hairstyle I'd like to go with. I tried several different styles, and I think I've settled on around 3 to try coloring.

 I was proud of myself for thinking of a decent way to experiment with hair. I drew up her face as I liked it, then scanned it into Photoshop and made the hair a different layer. So, basically I was able to copy and paste however many templates I wanted. Yay for me actually thinking for once!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The school year has finally calmed down, the students are moved out, and summer has started. My hope is that with this decrease in activity, I can start getting more projects worked on, and have a much more regular posting schedule for on here. Since it's been so long, I wanted to get some more of what I have down up here. This time around you get both Toy Story and A Goofy Movie. I must admit, I'm pretty partial to the Bigfoot one. I think he turned out preeetty well.